Friday, July 8, 2011

Caste revelation breaks marriage mid-way in Bhiwani


 In a sudden twist of circumstances, two grooms had to return without brides as the marriage was aborted at the nick of time, when the castes of families, both bride and groom, was found different at the time of taking marriage vows in Karu village of Bhiwani district on Sunday. 

According to information, situated turned chaotic at the marriage venue, which was the house of Ashok Kumar at Karu village, as soon as the priest declared the gotras and castes of the grooms who had arrived to marry Ashok`s two daughters. The two sides came to blows and later turned to the middleman Jai Singh and gave him a good thrashing. 

Jai Singh had come to Ashok with the offer to marry off his daughters Kajal and Karishma with two sons of Rakumar, Surajmal and Dilbagh, resident of Rohilla locality in Bhiwani. Jai Singh allegedly concealed the caste of Rajkumar, who belongs to Dhanak community while Ashok Kumar is from different scheduled caste community. 

Someone from among the marriage guests however, informed the police about the development and Tosham police station SHO Umed Singh arrived on the spot. The SHO said both the parties cooled down after some time realizing that it was the middleman who mislead them. "The two sides decided to dispose off the matter in the presence of the police. The groom`s family gave Rs 30,000 as compensation to the expenses incurred by the brides` side in the arrangements and parted ways", he said.


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