Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Arunachalee women break police stereotype


Breaking another male bastion, women in large numbers have joined the police force in Arunachal Pradesh.
A majority of people in the Himalayan state are still against women entering the profession and largely regard policing as a strictly male affair, but more and more women are contesting the stereotypical view.
Today there are as many as 376 women in the Arunachal Pradesh police force holding such diverse positions as inspectors, sub-inspectors, assistant sub-inspectors and constables.
"Many young women are these days willingly opting for a career in the police force," Doimukh police station in-charge Chuku Nanu Bui, a woman who joined the police department as a sub-inspector in 1988, said.
She said job in the police department was tough and hectic, but she enjoyed her calling. "There is full cooperation and support from my husband which gives me courage and encouragement."
Incidentally, her husband Make Bui is also a police officer and officer-in-charge of Itanagar police station.
Rejecting the notion that a lady cannot make a good police officer, Bui cited that lady police officers on duty in plain attire tend to collect more information than their male counterparts.
"Today women are doing exceptionally well in all fields. They are at par with their male counterparts. The police force is no exception," another lady sub-inspector Inya Ete said while encouraging more women participation in the police force.  


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